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“兴趣是最好的老师。学生如果缺乏兴趣,教学则成为死亡之吻;学生如果缺乏动机,教学不过是一种惩罚性的厌恶疗法。”(鲁子问,王笃勤,2006) 教师设计的课堂活动要能够培养学生积极的情感态度,要给学习者提供体验自我的快乐。英语游戏对帮助学生建立积极的情感态度起着重要作用。从广义上来说,游戏就是玩,是一种娱乐形式。游戏能够激活学生的情感-愉悦、愠怒、惊讶,激发他们的竞争意识。英语课堂上有效开展游戏活动能够大大激发学生的学习兴趣,让他们对英语课甚至是“无聊的”语法课都能充满期待。


教师可以根据学习内容创设具体情境,将语言学习融入游戏活动中,让学生“想要”积极参与其中,在学中玩,玩中学。许多游戏能够为学习者提供高密度地语言操练。在游戏中,学生通过互动交流能够感知英语语言在现实语境中的意义。通过游戏, “…the meaning of the language they listen to, read, speak and write will be more vividly experienced and, therefore, better remembered.” (Andrew Wright, David Betteridge and Michael Buckby, 1979)


我们学习语言的目的是为了交流信息、传达观点。在英语课堂上,很多时候老师提问,学生已经知道老师想要的答案,这种情况下不存在信息沟,学生自然对老师的授课内容缺乏好奇心。Jeremy Harmer 曾指出, “A key to the enhancement of communicative purpose and the desire to communicate is the information gap.”(2003) 课堂上,教师可以利用游戏活动创设信息沟,让学生在交流中运用语言、获取信息。例如这样一个小游戏:Describe and draw a picture-One student has a picture and does not show it to his/her partner. The student tries to describe the picture so that the partner can draw it. 我们不难看出,两位学习者之间存在一个信息沟,他们需要通过描述、询问、绘画、确认等一系列活动交流才能完成任务,同时又增强了英语交际能力。



(一)Monster Mad Libs

语言知识: 编故事, 词汇词性练习,如noun, verb, adj.等。

语言技能: 听、说、读、写

课堂掌控: 教师指导下的活动

学生水平: 初中二、三或高一年级英语学习者 

时间限制: 5分钟左右

准备材料 :不完整的英语小故事


i. Work in pairs. One student, the READER, gets an unfinished story from the teacher. He /She doesn’t tell his partner, the WRITER, what the story is about. Instead, he/ she asks the WRITER to give him/her words. These words are used to fill in the blank spaces in the story.

ii. After filling all the blanks in the story. The READER shows the story to the WRITER. They will find that they have written a story that is fantastic, screamingly funny, shocking, silly, crazy, or just plain dumb.

iii. Finally, Teacher can ask some students to read their stories and choose the most interesting one.


Superstitions (Before)

When I was a kid, _________(NUMBER) years ago, we used t o believe in superstitions, like it’s bad luck to open a/an ________(NOUN) in the house; if your nose ________(VERB), it means a/an __________(NOUN) is coming to visit; and you will have _____________(ADJ.) luck if you find a four-leafed ________(NOUN). And we ___________(ADV.) believe that if you spilled _____________(TYPE OF FOOD) at the table, you had to throw some over your left ____________(NOUN); if your _________(ADJ.) toe hurt, it meant rain; and if you broke a / an ________(NOUN) , you would have seven years of bad ______________(PLURAL NOUN).

Today kids have different superstitions, such as it’s bad luck to jump on the railroad tracks just before a/ an _________(NOUN) pulls in and don’t throw __________(PLURAL NOUN) at policemen. But, actually, there’s only one superstition I believe in. Whenever I comment on my health, I always remember to knock on a piece of ___________(NOUN).

Superstitions (After)

When I was a kid, _11_(NUMBER) years ago, we used t o believe in superstitions, like it’s bad luck to open a/an __tree__(NOUN) in the house; if your nose __itches__(VERB), it means a/an __ghost__(NOUN) is coming to visit; and you will have __beautiful__(ADJ.) luck if you find a four-leafed _car__(NOUN). And we __happily__(ADV.) believe that if you spilled ___fish___(TYPE OF FOOD) at the table, you had to throw some over your left ___blackboard__(NOUN); if your __silly__(ADJ.) toe hurt, it meant rain; and if you broke a / an _TV_(NOUN) , you would have seven years of bad __apples__(PLURAL NOUN).

Today kids have different superstitions, such as it’s bad luck to jump on the railroad tracks just before a/ an __tiger_(NOUN) pulls in and don’t throw __papers_(PLURAL NOUN) at policemen. But, actually, there’s only one superstition I believe in. Whenever I comment on my health, I always remember to knock on a piece of _chair__(NOUN).

  有人说Mad Libs 是世界上最有趣的文字游戏,甚至那些不喜欢游戏的人也会爱上它。我们可以根据学生的语言水平以及词汇学习需要编写不同的小故事供学生来玩。这个游戏不但能够考察学生对英语词汇词性的掌握程度,还能够帮助学生回顾复习所学过的单词。此外,阅读故事不但可以让学生被自己编造的荒诞不经的故事逗得哈哈大笑,同时也能帮助他们意识到英语句子、篇章应有的逻辑性。值得一提的是,这个游戏不仅仅适合低龄英语学习者,它同样适用于高段学生,甚至是成人,可谓老少皆宜。

(二)Six Eyes

语言知识: 用动词一般现在时形式以及频度副词描述人物行为

语言技能: 听、说

课堂掌控: 教师指导下的活动

学生水平: 初一、二年级英语学习者

时间限制: 10分钟左右

准备材料: 每人一张纸


i. Five or six students who know each other very well form a group. Each student writes his/her name on a small piece of paper. These are then folded and jumbled.

ii. Each student takes one of the pieces of paper and tries to imagine that they are that person. They must complete the following sentences:

---I always …

---I often…

---I usually…

---I sometimes…

---I occasionally…

---I hardly ever…

---I never …

iii. Everyone else in the group tries to guess who the learner has pretended to be. The student who has been represented by those sentences should then have an opportunity to comment!


(三)What’s behind you

语言知识 : There is/ are…, There isn’t/ aren’t…, There are some…, There aren’t any…, Is/ Are there any…? 句型结构描述列举事物或人物等

语言技能: 听、说

课堂掌控: 自由表达

学生水平: 初中一、二年级学生

时间限制: 3分钟左右

准备材料 :


i. Tell the class not to turn around. Ask them what they think is behind them. They might list people, furniture or other things in the classroom.

ii. Students use different there be patterns to describe the things they can remember.


Student A: I think there is a cupboard at the back of the classroom.

Student B: I think there are some boys and girls behind me.

Teacher: Are there any books behind you?

Student C: Yes, there are some books behind me. / No, there aren’t any books behind me.

“There be” 句型是英语初学者经常容易犯错误的结构。这个游戏将句型操练和记忆游戏相结合,小小的挑战能够激发学生的竞争性和积极性。教师可以增加难度,将classroom换成school campus, 或者是the street outside the school.





[1]Andrew Wright,David Betteridge and Michael Buckby.Games for Language Learning(new edition)[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001.

[2]Jeremy Harmer.英语语言教学的实践(第三版)[M].北京:世界知识出版社,2003.



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