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Open Journal of Air Pollution 空气污染杂志

浏览232次 时间:2017年4月26日 10:45

Open Journal of Air Pollution 空气污染杂志

ISSN Print: 2169-2653

ISSN Online: 2169-2661

Open Journal of Air Pollution (OJAP) is an openly accessible journal published quarterly. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of air pollution.

All manuscripts must be prepared in English and are subject to a rigorous peer-review process. Generally, accepted papers will appear online within 3 weeks followed by printed hard copy. The areas of Open Journal of Air Pollution (OJAP) include but are not limited to the following fields:


  • · Atmospheric Observations, Modeling, and Analysis
    Ambient Air Quality
    Meteorology and Planetary Boundary Layer 
    Community Multi-Scale Air Quality Models 
    Natural/Anthropogenic Pollutant Emissions and Inventories 
    Air Quality and Climate Change Interactions 
    Air Quality Impact 
    eva luation of Model Performance 
  • · Atmospheric Processes
    Biospheric-Atmospheric Exchange 
    Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology
    Transport, Deposition, Accumulation, Acid Precipitation
  • · Climate Impact and Interaction
    Environmental Impact of Built Environments
    Impact of Climate Change 
  • · Environmental Awareness
    Ecological Implications and Environmental Jurisprudence
    Education and Community Engagement 
    Health and Welfare Effects Associated With Air Pollution
    Policy, Standards and Regulation
  • · Environmental Toxicology 
    Organic Compounds, Metals and Other Inorganic Compounds 
    Routes and Kinetics
    Risk Assessment 
  • · Indoor Air Pollution (IAQ)
    Control Techniques
    Indoor Air Pollutant
    Thermal Comfort and Perceived Air Quality 
  • · Innovative Methods in the Study of Air Pollution
    Bio-Monitoring and Biomarkers of Exposure
    CO2 Capture as Measure of GHG Emission Mitigation
    Environmental Biotechnology in Removing Air Pollutants 
    Gene-Sequencing and Bio-Informatics for Microbiology Studies
    Space Based Remote Sensing Air Quality Observations
    Wireless Sensors and Smartphone Monitoring

    We are also interested in: 1) Short Reports – 2-5 page papers where an author can present either preliminary data or an idea with theoretical background but has not yet completed the research needed for a complete paper; 2) Book Reviews – Comments and critiques

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