时间:2014年8月27日 17:30
Yin Jing1, a
JiaoTong University, Jinan
City, Shandong Province, China)
【Abstract】In this article the greencampus road practice of Shandong
JiaoTongUniversity is taken as an example, and somesimple green technical measures in
specialregional are summarized such as the road netorganization, the road pavement way, theroad drainage and the road lighting. A campusroad
model with the cultural and comfort andharmonious using simple local materials,some common technology and in low cost iscreated. The
original campus resource is as faras possible to be protected and utilized.
Thenatural environment is less destroyed. Thecampus road is convenient and
characteristic.The article is aim to provides some thoughtsand references to
other campus road design.
【Key words】Campus road ; Green ;Local ; Resource ; utilize
campus of Shandong JiaotongUniversity is located in Jinan city. It is about300
aches area. The terrain of the site iscomplicated. There is much different
heightand there are a lot of stones and less soil in thisfield. In this project
the local conditions aresurvey and measures are adjusted accordingto the local
conditions in the design of roadnet organization, the road pavement way,the road drainage and the road lighting.The campus road
model with culture andcomfort and harmony is set using simple localmaterials, some common technology and inlow cost.
2.The flow line organization
ofthe campus road
common way to some road plans ofcomplex topography and landform is generallyto
turn the ground into a fl at surface fi rst withthe balance of the site soil
and then design. Inthis practice we choose different road typesand different
road width to meet the differentneeds. Make full use of the
three-dimensionalspace increasing the road diversity choice.Organization the
flowing lines of cars andpeople according to the site terrain and the
sitefeature. Reduce the influence to the originalcampus environment. The road characteristicsare
convenient and ornamental. In this way thecampus roads meet the different needs
of carsand pedestrian and the extensive managementpatterns are formed and
prominent benefi t areachieved.
3.The less surface hardening
inthe campus road
surface hardening is paved incampus road to meet the essential needs.
Adoptnarrower width roads, keep the soil and
thegrass directly and set the stone as a step roadand so on.Nowadays the campus
road width isgenerally determined according to the roaddesign regulation. And
the selected width inmain road is usually about 9.0m to meet thetwo-way lanes. The minimum width is 7.0m.However in some old campus the road
widthis generally 6.0m and it
usually paved withlocal material. The road scale forms a pleasantspace. So the
width of the main campus roadis 6.0m
which can intersect for two-way carlanes in Shandong JiaoTong University.
Theappropriate width restricts the vehicle’sspeed and reduces the transit frequency.Reduce the
emission of CO2. It keeps themajor student activities
away from risk andmakes the teaching buildings around awayfrom the noise( Fig. 1).Fig.1 the
permeability path using originalstoneKeep the soil and the grass directlyas
road. It is convenience for use and storethe water. In this project the road
before theReport Hall of the Library is the step stoneroad. The stones come
from the local site( Fig.2). The road surface is formed by stones andthe grass
between the stones and stones. Itshows the unique ecological
characteristics.The road between the Ecological Walls ofthe Library is paved by
the embedded grassbrick. The cushion layer of the road is waterpermeability
pavement. The cold seasonalgrass grows into the embedded grass brick.
Itintegrates the natural landscape. In this waythe surface water can go through
the surfaceand direct infiltrate to underground. The soilmoisture is kept
effectively and beneficial tothe plants growth. The snow in permeable roadmelts
faster than normal. It is safe which isunfreezing and anti-skid in winter.Fig.2
permeability path using processing localstone
4.The road pavement of the
The material
attributes are expressedand understood in the special place. It is notscience
to ignore the relation between materialand geographical. When we choice
materialsand apply materials for the road,
we considernot only
people's aesthetic interest, but alsoconsider more about the natural
materialattributes. In the campus road design,
wecannot adopt the
concrete and asphalt concretewhich are often used as vehicle road pavingmaterials
in the campus road. We use theprocessing stones from the site to pave theroad
surface. We also use the processingrubbles stones as road base. The roads
pavedwith the local stone forms the harmoniouspictures to the local culture.
The texture of thestone is strong especially with time passing byand branded
the trace with the human and theyears. The vulgar,
savage road material
showsthe pleasure that people see time suspended.The material shows
deliberately the memory.The process is printed in the road.The methods for the
main campusroads commonly are : the base of the road isrammed first ; and then about 250 mm thickwater stability and macadam is set ; the lastabout 150 mm thick C25 concrete is put. Theoverall cost is
controlled in about 200 RMB. IThe method in the project is : the base of theroad is rammed fi rst ; and then about 30 mmthick local gravel grouting, cement mortaris set to make it fl at ; the last about 120~150mm thick flag stone is paved. The cost iscontrolled
about 70 RMB. The result in thismethod is very satisfactory. It is beneficialto
environment. It is easy maintenance. Theproduct can also be recycled.5.The lighting of the campusroadsSome of the campus(