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动力与能源工程杂志Journal of Power and Energy Engineering

浏览166次 时间:2017年5月04日 10:43

Journal of Power and Energy Engineering

ISSN Print: 2327-588X

ISSN Online: 2327-5901

Aims & Scope

Journal of Power and Energy Engineering (JPEE) is an international journal dedicated to the latest advancements in power and energy engineering. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of power and energy engineering.

All manuscripts must be prepared in English and are subject to a rigorous and fair peer-review process. Generally, accepted papers will appear online within 3 weeks followed by printed hard copy.The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:

  • · 1. Power Generation - Conventional and Renewable
    Bio-energy technologies, process and utilization
    Environmentally-friendly technologies for power generation
    Geothermal and tidal wave energy
    Hydropower technologies and applications
    New technologies and design for energy efficiency
    New technologies for minimizing CO2 generation
    Other sustainable energy
    Photovoltaics for solar power applications
    Safe nuclear energy generation and utilization
    Thermal power technologies and applications
    Waste products as fuel
    Wind power generation and utilization
  • · 2. Power System Management
    Application of wide area measurement system (WAMS)
    Control strategies for modern power system stability
    Integrated substation automation technologies
    Load modeling, estimation and forecast
    Modeling and simulation of large power systems
    Online monitoring and fault diagnosis system
    Power system analysis and optimization
    Power system management technologies
    Power system monitoring and mitigation technologies
    Power system planning and operation
  • · 3. Power Transmission and Distribution
    Advanced distribution and SCADA technologies
    Electromagnetic analysis in power systems
    Electromagnetic compatibility in power systems
    Electromagnetic transient in high voltage power systems
    HVDC and flexible AC transmission system (FACTS)
    Insulation condition monitoring in power systems
    Over-voltage, lightning protection and grounding
    Plasma physics and the pulsed power technology
    Ultra High Voltage (UHV) technologies
  • · 4. Smart Grid Technologies
    Agent-based Computational Economics for Grid
    Agent-based mechanisms for Grid markets
    Agent-based simulation of Grid environments and markets
    Automated negotiation for Grid resource allocation
    Engineering of Grid markets and Grid architectures
    Modeling of Grid environments
    Resource allocation in Grid scenarios using agent-based approaches
    Technical research on future application domains

    We are also interested in: 1) Short Reports – 2-5 page papers where an author can either present an idea with theoretical background but has not yet completed the research needed for a complete paper or preliminary data; 2) Book Reviews – Comments and critiques

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